BAMAKO COURT OF APPEAL ********** REPUBLIC OF MALI One People -One Goal - One Faith LABOUR CHAMBER IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE OF MALI No. 69/Decision No. 06/15 R.G ORDINARY PUBLIC HEARING OF 23 APRIL 2015 The Bamako Court of Appeal, sitting in the Court room of the said town during its ordinary public hearing of April twenty-third two thousand and fifteen, for a labour proceeding and and CASE before: BNDA v. Mme DIAKITE Moussa Oudé DIALLO : Trial Judge at the Court President Oumou DIALLO Toubaye KONE : Trial Judge at the Court, Member Ibrahim KONTA : Trial Judge at the Court, Member TYPE Claim Messrs Modibo TOLO and Mahamady SISSOKO, Assessors Members ; for benefits and Assisted by Maître Rokia KOUYATE, Registrar at the Bamako Court of Appeal damages . , PASSED THE FOLLOWING RULING IN THE CASE BETWEEN: DECISION : (See operative part) La Banque Nationale de Développement Agricole (BNDA): Appellant, who have as legal counsel: TAPO et KOD law firm, Attorneys ; On one hand; AND Madame DIAKITE Oumou DIALLO: Respondent, who has as legal counsel, Barrister Seydou COULIBALY, A ttorney , On the other hand IN A PROCEEDING TO CLAIM BENEFITS AND DAMAGES The record of these proceedings shall not jeopardize or be prejudicial in any manner whatsoever to the respective rights and interests of the parties involved, but on the contrary be subject to the matters of fact and law; THE COURT - Mindful of the case documents ; Considering the actions, claims and arguments of the parties After listening to The State . - ; After deliberating about this case in accordance with the law ; AS CONCERNS PROCEDURAL ISSUES: Following document No. 205 of 27 November 2014, issued by the Registry of the Bamako Labour Court, Barrister Tiécoro KONARE, Attorney, acting on behalf of and for la Banque Nationale de Développement Agricole of Mali (BNDA),a Private-Public Partnership Company with a capital of CFAF 17,138,088,000 , located at l’immeuble BNDA, Avenue du Mali, Hamdallaye ACI 2000 Bamako, represented by its Chief Executive Officer, appealed against ruling No.279, handed down by the said Court on 24 November 2014, in a proceeding to claim benefits and damages pitting the BNDA against Madame DIAKITE Oumou DIALLO; the operative part of the judgement is as follows:

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