REPUBLIC OF MALI In the Name of the People of Mali ----------SUPREME COURT OF MALI ----------JUDICIAL DIVISION ----------Criminal Bench ----------APPEAL No.11 OF 12-6-2009 ----------JUDGMENT No. 89 of 19 July 2010 ----------NATURE: Rape THE SUPREME COURT In its ordinary public session on Monday, the Nineteenth of July of the year two thousand and ten, before: Mr Mamadou Traore Saba, President of the Criminal Bench, Rapporteur; Mr Elie KElTA, Advisor at the Court, Member, Mrs KANTE Hawa KOUYATE, Advisor at the Court, In the presence of Advocate General M'PERE DIARRA, as State Prosecutor; With the assistance of Maitre TOURE Adizatou H. MAIG A. Registrar: Delivered the judgment which reads as follows:

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