BAMAKO COURT OF APPEAL ……………. Commune I Court of First Instance in the Bamako District REPUBLIC OF MALI One People -One Goal - One Faith ……………… No. 2373/RG No. 1599/RC No. 39/JGT/CH.MAT CASE TYPE: Divorce. “IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE OF MALI” ORDINARY PUBLIC HEARING OF 30 November 2014 JUDGEMENT No. 39/ CH-MAT-TPI-CIV The matrimonial affairs division of the Commune I Court of First Instance in the Bamako District, during its ordinary public hearing of Fourteen November Two Thousand and Thirteen held by : Mr Fily SISSOKO, presiding judge, President; Assisted by Maitre Madina BALL, Court Registrar; After consulting the State; Declared the following judgement in the case between: Sadio COULIBALY: Executive Secretary, domiciled in Sikoroni Sourakabougou in Commune I, with legal counsel from the DIOP-DIALLO law firm; APPELLANT AND

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