REPUBLIC OF MALI One People - One Goal - One Faith SUPREME COURT OF MALI JUDICIAL DIVISION 1st CIVIL BENCH APPEAL No.074 OF 14/5/2010 Judgment No.245 OF 03/10/2011 NATURE: Sharing of inherited assets SUPREME COURT OF MALI In its ordinary public session on Monday, the third of October of the year two thousand and eleven, before: Mr Etienne KENE, President of the Judicial DIVISION, PRESIDENT Mrs KANTE Hawa KOUYATE, Advisor at the Court, Member; Mr Bouraïma COULIBALY, Advisor at the Court, Member; Mr Mody TRAORE, Assessor at the Court, Member; Mr Ibrahima Wade, Assessor at the Court, Member; In the presence of Mr M’Pere DIARRA, Advocate General at the said Court, as State Prosecutor; With the assistance of Maitre lssa SAMAKE, Registrar;

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