COURT OF APPEAL OF OUAGADOUGOU BURKINA FASO Unity- Progress-Justice Judgement No. 12/2019 Legal Department No.: 107 / 2018 CASE: Public Prosecution Vs O.E, T.D and S.H HEARING OF 20 FEBRUARY 2019, ON MISDEMEANOUR MATTERS At the public hearing of the High Court, holding in Kongoussi (Burkina Faso) on 2020/2/2019 (twentieth February two thousand and nineteen), on misdemeanour matters by: Mr Saïdou COMPAORE, Judge at the seat of the court and acting as President; PRESIDENT TYPE OF OFFENCE Attempted rape HIGH COURT OF KONGOUSSI Assisted by Mr Olio PALE, Judicial Assessor; Mr Noé Doflni DAKIO, Deputy State Counsel, representing the Legal Department; Imprisonment LEGAL DEPARTMENT, (See verdict) Assisted by Barrister Victor KABORE, Court Registrar at the said court, taking notes: COURT REGISTRAR, The following judgement was delivered: BETWEEN: The State Counsel of Faso, petitioner in a flagrante delicto proceeding; PANEL: COMPAORE, President DAKIO, L.D. KABORE, Court Registrar ON THE ONE HAND; AND 1- O.E, born on August 3, 2001, in Kongoussi of O.J-P and S.R, a pupil, from Burkina Faso, living in Kongoussi, single with no children, who declares to have never been convicted, given award or recruited; 2- T.D, born on October 25, 2002, in Kongoussi of T.P and O.F, a pupil from Burkina Faso, residing in Kongoussi, single without children, who declares to have never been convicted, given an award or recruited; Accused of: having attempted to rape on O.W.N in Kongoussi, on 21 September 2018, a period of time not covered by the statute of limitations, the said attempt, manifested by a tentative execution, in the case at hand by engaging in a struggle with

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