In support of his complaint, he explained that he had been informed by DC that DA had injuries on her genitals; he specified that following interrogation, his niece DA let him know that it is Y.T who had supposedly inserted his fingers into her genitals; Her niece having been taken to hospital for examination, the midwife confirmed that she had indeed been sexually abused; he attached to the procedure a medical certificate, dated 4 December, 2014, issued by the doctor Y.P, gynecologist at the CHR of San Pedro; As for D.A, she explained that she used to go to Y.T's home, in the company of her comrade A, and twice Y.T put his fingers in her genitals; she specified that she had not informed her parents because the uncle had asked her not to say anything, otherwise he was going to beat her; When questioned, Y.T recognized the charges brought against him; He explained that he is a neighbor to the parents of the little girl DA and she, like the other little girls in the neighborhood, has taken up the habit of going to play at his home in his room; he added that it was when he was playing with these little girls that he tried to insert his fingers into the genitals of DA, without penetrating her; MOTIVES ON THE FORM On the nature of the decision Whereas the accused appeared at the hearing while already in detention; Whereas the victim appeared; That it is appropriate to rule on the basis of counter argumentation, in accordance with article 399 of the criminal procedure code; ON THE MERIT Concerning the criminal responsibility of the accused Whereas the accused is being prosecuted for sexual indecency committed with violence on a fifteen-year-old girl; Whereas the medical certificate produced in the file certainly concludes that there was no sexual violence, but the accused did not hesitate to admit the charge, both during the preliminary investigation and during the hearing; That he admits having tried to insert his fingers into the genitals of D.A, six years old, without succeeding in penetrating it; That these acts constitute sexual indecency committed with violence on a minor of fifteen years old and that it is appropriate to tie him to the charges and to apply the law accordingly; 2

Select target paragraph3