DALOA COURT OF APPEAL DALOA COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE SASSANDRA SECTION JUDGMENT No 635/14 OF THURSDAY 11 DECEMBER 2014 THE PROSECUTOR VERSUS Y.N 1/ Violation of moral norms – Sexual indecency – Sexual indecency committed with violence on a young girl of 15 years – Constitutive elements (Yes} – Conviction. 2/ Sexual indecency – Sexual indecency committed with violence on a young girl of 15 years - Civil action - Constitution of civil party – Request for damages - Request founded – Conviction of accused. 1 / The charges against the accused constitute sexual assault with violence on a fifteenyear-old minor, and it is appropriate to link up the accused with the charges, as he recognizes having tried inserting his fingers into the genital of the six-year-old victim without being able to penetrate her, even if the medical certificate produced concluded that there was no sexual violence. 2 / The accused must be ordered to pay the damages, as the father of the victim has declared to be a civil party and has claimed damages. THE COURT Considering the documents in the file of the proceedings against Y.T, on the count of sexual indecency committed with violence on a minor of 15 years; Offence provided for and punishable under article 355 paragraph 1 and 2 point 3 and article 359 paragraph 2 of the penal code; Considering the explanations of the accused; Considering the requisitions of the Prosecutor; The accused in his means of defense; After having deliberated in accordance with the law; Whereas, according to the interrogation report in the event of flagrante delicto of the Resident Substitute to the section of the Sassandra court, dated 5 December, 2014, Mr. YT was summoned to appear before the court, to respond to acts of sexual indecency committed with violence on a 15-year-old girl; Whereas on 3 December, 2014, Mr. D.A seized the police station of the 2nd district of San Pedro on a complaint against Y.T for sexual indecency committed on his six-year-old niece; 1

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