Uganda: Mukasa and Another v Attorney-General (2008) AHRLR 248 (UgHC 2008)
Mukasa and Another v Attorney-General (2008) AHRLR 248 (UgHC 2008)
Victor Juliet Mukasa and Yvonne Oyo v Attorney General
High Court of Uganda at Kampala , Civil Division, Misc Cause No. 24/06, 22 November 2008
Judge: Arach Amoko
Unlawful arrest, search and seizure
Evidence (uncorroborated, 37)
Property (unlawful search and seizure, 39, 44)
Personal liberty and security (arbitrary arrest and detention, 39)
Dignity (sexual harassment, 41)
Remedies (compensation, 43)
[1.] The applicants brought this application by Notice of Motion under article 50 of the
Constitution and rule 3 of (Fundamental Rights and Freedoms) (Enforcement Procedure) Rules
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