BOUAKE COURT OF APPEAL 1st CORRECTIONAL CHAMBER JUDGMENT N ° 133/2014 OF MARCH 25, 2014 OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTOR Versus A.B Offence against morality - Indecent assault - Indecent assault on a minor of 11 years old - Facts proven- Confirmation of judgment. The impugned judgment must be confirmed in its declarative guilt provisions as soon as it emerges from the record of the proceedings and the debates that the facts alleged against the accused have been proven. THE COURT Considering the judgment n ° 292/2013 of the Correctional Court of Toumodi dated July 11, 2013 ruling in the case Public Prosecution versus A.B; Considering the appeal raised against the said judgment by the accused A.B according to the registry document dated July 18, 2013; That Madam Councilor ABANET ESSO Blanche in her report; or · Mr. Advocate General in his requests; Having regard to the documents of the proceedings; After having deliberated in accordance with the law, after debates in the public hearing; FACTS The facts were widely exposed by the judge rapporteur; REASONING IN THE FORM Considering that the accused filed a brief in defense; that it is necessary to rule after trial; Considering further that the appeal was initiated according to the legal rules of form and time limit; wherefore it should be declared admissible; ON MERITS Considering that it emerges from the file of the proceedings and the debates, that the alleged facts of the accused are proven; That it should therefore be

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