... REPUBLIC OF SENEGAL One FLAGRANTE DEL ICTO People-One Goal-One Faith ------------DAKAR COURT OF APPEAL ORDINARY PUBLIC HERING OF 07 APRIL 2015 At the ordinary public hearing of the Dakar Regional Court sitting in DAKAR REGIONAL COURT Dakar (Senegal), of April two thousand and fifteen, held for the affairs of correctional police by M. xxx Judge at the seat, President, assisted by Judgment No Mrs. Xxx and Mr.xxx, judges, members, in the presence of Mr . xxx Prosecution No Substitute of the Public Prosecutor and with the assistance of Attorney xxx, Registrar, has rendered the judgment, the content of which follows: PUBLIC PROSECUTION AND 1) XXX on behalf of his daughter 2) Xxx on behalf of her daughter and her nice OFFENSE Rape, pedophilia, abduction DECISION (see device) PARTIES: Mr. The Public Prosecutor, applicant, following interrogation report in flagrante delicto of 06.02.2015; Questioned by Mr. the President in the hearing of 10 February two thousand fifteen in accordance with article 384 of the criminal procedure code, the defendant has declared wanting to be tried immediately but the case was successively postponed until the hearing of 3 1.03.2015, date at which it was pleaded. When the case was called, Mr. the Public Prosecutor stated that he had caused the aforementioned accused to appear before the court in today's hearing to defend themselves because of the above mentioned offences. And the defendant was questioned. The clerk noted the statements of the civil party and of the civil party as well as of the responses to the accused. The Public Prosecution requested against the defendant a prison sentence of ten (10) years. The accused presented his defense; Then the debates were declared closed and the case was postponed for a judgment of 07.04.2015. on that date, the Court, after deliberation, ruled as follows: THE TRIBUNAL Considering the exhibits in the file; Considering the questioning of the accused; Considering the submissions of the civil parties; Considering the requests of the Public Prosecution; Considering the defense of the accused; After deliberation in accordance with the law. Whereas according to the indictment report of fragrant delicto, the public rosecutor has deferred the accused before this court on account of rape of a minor below 13 years, of pedophilia and of abduction of minors IN THE FORM: Whereas the action was brought in the form and time limit provided for by law; That it befits to declare the action admissible

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