Of 28 April 2020 REPUBLIC OF COTE D’IVOIRE COURT OF APPEAL OF….. FIRST INSTANCE SECTION OF… N° 281/2020 of the Judgment N°289/2020 of Prosecutor’s Office PUBLIC PROSECUTOR Versus Warrant for detention 04/22/2020 Offence Battery and willful assaults and death threats on April 28, 2020 DECISION Trial Guilty Main penalties 06 Months of imprisonment 300 000 F/A and security measures Damages: + Costs At the public hearing of the Divo section of the court held at the courthouse of the said city on April 28, two thousand and twenty for cases in flagrante delicto by: His Lordship…….President In the presence of the Resident Substitute With the assistance of Attorney… Sworn Registrar the accused law enforcement Delivered the following judgment: Between The public prosecutor following the interrogation report in the event of flagrante delicto of the public prosecutor’s office dated April 22, 2020 On one hand And the named GNAGNINI AMEHIA ERIC born on April 29, 1983 at Adjamé (Abidjan) of… and of…, Show host, domiciled at Gremian de Divo, bachelor with one child, not listed as military, stating to have never been convicted, of Ivorian nationality, tél…. On the other hand: Accused of battery, willful assault and death threats at Divo, on 04/22/2020; facts provided for and punished by articles 381-3° 387 and 444-2° of the penal code; At the appeal of the case at the hearing on Tuesday April 28, 2020, the President, after having ascertained the identity of the accused regularly called to the bar gave notice of the act which referred the matter to the court. Arrested in accordance with the provisions of article 405 of the code of criminal procedure, the accused declared that he wanted to be tried without delay, so the case was immediately judged and read. The accused was questioned, The registrar took note of his answers The defendant presented his defense The public prosecutor summed up the case and demanded the application of the law against the accused. Therefore, the court, after having deliberated in accordance with the law, ruled in these terms: THE COURT

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