MUHAMMAD ALI v. KANO STATE (2018) LPELR-44201(CA) In The Court of Appeal of Nigeria On Wednesday, the 28th day of February, 2018 CA/K/26c/2011 Before Their Lordships IBRAHIM SHATA BDLIYA Justice of The Court of Appeal of Nigeria OBIETONBARA O. DANIEL-KALIO Justice of The Court of Appeal of Nigeria AMINA AUDI WAMBAI Justice of The Court of Appeal of Nigeria Between MUHAMMAD ALI Appellant(s) AND KANO STATE Respondent(s) Other Citations RATIO DECIDENDI 1. WORDS AND PHRASES - "SPECULATION" "INFERENCE": Meaning of "speculation" and "inference" "A finding is said to be speculative when it is not based on facts or knowledge of its details but on guesses or conjectures but not when as in the case at hand, it is based on or derivable from the evidence on record. Whereas speculation is a mere variant of imaginative guess which, even when it appears plausible should never be allowed by a Court of law to fill any hiatus in the evidence before it, an inference is a reasonable deduction from facts available before the Court. See IVIENAGBOR VS OSATO BAZUAYE & ANOR (1999) 6 SC (PT. 1) 149 per Uwaifo JSC. Thus, the said finding by the learned trial

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