On 24 July 2018, summoned in accordance with article 384 of the Criminal procedure Code, the suspect stated that he wanted to be tried immediately and the case was argued; The President read out the written submissions of the prosecutor filed in Court and interrogated the suspect; The Public Prosecutor, after a summary of the facts of the case, made an application for 10 years of imprisonment of the suspect; The suspect made his submissions; Mr…, counsel of the suspect asked the court to order a mental health assessment of the suspect for the latter seemed not to be aware of the gravity of what he was admitting before the court or to make a decision taking into account the mental state of the suspect; The Registrar took note of the statements of the suspect; The debates were closed; And the court, after its deliberations in accordance with the law, made the decision in following terms: THE COURT Whereas, according to the interrogation statement by the Public Prosecutor dated 04 July 2018, Mr… was brought before this Court, in any event before the prescription of the criminal action, on allegations to have committed in Pikine in 2018, using violence, coercion, threat, an attempt to have sexual relations with…., 8 years old minor; To have committed in the same circumstances, acts of pedophilia on the above- mentioned minor; Offences provided and punished by articles 320 and 320 bis of the Penal Code; ON MERITS On the criminal action Whereas the public prosecutor after summarizing the facts, he applied for 10 years of imprisonment for the suspects; Whereas based on the court records, the offences the suspect is accused of are established; That he should be found guilty and sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment; On Civil damages Whereas the claimant for civil damages did not neither

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