 By employing, training, or abducting O. B, D.S, S. P and K. O into prostitution or mounting pressure on them to indulge or keep on indulging in prostitution. Acts punishable by article 533(22) of the Penal Code”; Having as lawyer, Sankara S. Bénéwendé law firm; ON THE OTHER HAND Registered on the cause list of 9 October 2019, the suit was retained and full trial held on that same day; When questioned pursuant to article 321(18) of the Criminal Procedure Code, the Accused sought to be judged immediately; At the call of the case, the State Counsel explained that by means mentioned above, he had the above-mentioned accused appear in court on this day’s hearing to present her defence with regards to the above prejudice; The Accused was interrogated as the Court Registrar recorded her replies; The victims were heard in their explanations; The Accused presented arguments in her defence; On that, and after full trial, the court adjourned the hearing for consultations; at resumption, the court ruled as follows: THE COURT, Mindful of the documents of the case file; Having heard the pleas of the Accused; Having heard the explanations of the victims; Having heard the submissions of the Legal Department; Having heard the arguments of the Accused in her defence, and who received the floor in last position; IFACTS On 17 September 2019, Ossia Blessing came to the Central Police Station of Ouahigouya to file a complaint against Obi Ifeoma for Illegal restraint, pimping and abetting in voluntary HIV/AIDS transmission;

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