E.R.A is accused of trafficking girls (in this case D.S.E, M.A.F and U.M) from Nigeria to Burkina Faso to be used for prostitution. The victims who reported the accused to the Police say the accused deceived their parents that she was taking them to Europe for employment in a restaurant, but eventually told them the truth on their way. Since they were opposed to her plans, one of them (also an orphan) took advantage of stop by a Police post on the road in Burkina Faso to corner the Police and report their plight. The accused pleads guilty, but claims she was simply helping a lady who had called her from Burkina Faso and asked her to help her bring the girls from Nigeria, considering she (the accused) was in Nigeria. After examining all arguments, then Court declares E.R.A guilty of child trafficking and slams her a suspended sentence of 12 moths' imprisonment, with a fine of 5 Million FCFA.