Republic of Senegal One Nation- One GoalOne Faith SUSPECT CAUGHT RED-HANDED ORDINARY PUBLIC HEARING OF DECEMBER 5, 2014 Dakar Court of Appeal Special regional Tribunal of Dakar No of the judgment: No of the public prosecution Public Prosecutor And ……… (Claimant for damages) Versus …… Type of the offence Attempt of rape of a person particularly, pedophilia Decision (See end of judgment) At the public hearing of the Special regional tribunal of Dakar (Senegal) of December 5, 2014 held in correctional matters by Madam…, sitting judge and President, assisted by Mr… and …, members, in the presence of Mr. …, Deputy Public Prosecutor and Maître…, Registrar, was rendered the following judgment: Between: 1o. The Public Prosecutor, plaintiff, based on the interrogation statement of a suspect caught red-handed No…on 03.12.2014; And 2o.... 40 years old born in Dakar, of late..., and ..., house wife domiciled in Keur Mbaye Fall; representing her niece; Claimant for damages, absent and not represented at the public hearing and made no written submissions; ON THE ONE HAND AND …. born on 18 December 1969 at Diané (Fatick), son of… and of… divorced and father of 4 children, bricklayer domiciled in Cité Gendarmerie; stating that he has never been convicted and has never been a member of the army; Suspect of attempt of rape of a person particularly vulnerable and pedophilia; Offences provided for and punished by articles 320 and 320 bis and 2 and 3 of the Penal Code; Detained on detention warrant dated November 3, 2014 Appearing in person at the public hearing and making submissions with no legal assistance; ON THE OTHER HAND Summoned by the President at the hearing of 06

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