BAMAKO COURT OF ASSIZES ………… REPUBLIC OF MALI ONE PEOPLE -ONE GOAL - ONE FAITH …………….. JUDGEMENT IN A CIVIL MATTER JUDGEMENT No. 65 /16 of 19/05/2016 CASE THE STATE v. Jérémi DIARRA CASE TYPE : Charged with Rape ORDINARY PUBLIC HEARING OF 19 May 2016 The Bamako Court of Assizes, sitting in the Courtroom of the said Town, during its hearing of Nineteen May Two Thousand and Sixteen, before: Mr Mohamed Abdourahamane MAIGA: Advisers at the Bamako Court of Appeal; PRESENT Mr Amadoun H. CISSE: Mr Diahara COULIBALY: (Advisers at the Bamako Court of Appeal) MEMBERS In the presence of Me. BERTHE Rose DEMBELE, Deputy Attorney General at the Bamako Court of Appeal. THE STATE

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