MOPTI COURT OF ASSIZES ……….. No. 15/Judgement/09 of 23 September, 2014 No. 38 / P.G. CASE THE STATE v. OUMAR MAIGA Charged with attempted paedophilia JUDGEMENT PUBLIC HEARING OF 23 SEPTEMBER, 2014 The Mopti Court of Assizes, sitting in Sévaré at the Courtroom of the said town, during its public hearing on Twenty-three September Two Thousand and Fourteen for a criminal proceeding, before: TIECOURA MALLE: Advisers at the Mopti Court of Appeal; PRESIDENT Mamoudou TIMBO) Adviser at the Court; Abba ALHASSANE ) President of the Mopti Commercial Court, appointed by ordinance No. 09 of 14 August, 20 I4 of the First President of the Mopti Court of Appeal to complete the composition of the Court of Assizes. Aly COULIBALY) Aldjouma GUINDO) N'Djobo SANGARE) Seydou GUINDO) Court Assessors; MEMBERS,

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