BAMAKO COURT OF ASSIZES ……………… JUDGEMENT REPUBLIC OF MALI ONE PEOPLE -ONE GOAL - ONE FAITH ………………… JUDGEMENT No. 31/13 of 09/04/2013 CASE THE STATE v. lssa KONE CASE TYPE: Paedophilia ORDINARY PUBLIC HEARING OF 09 April 2013 The Bamako Court of Assizes, sitting in the Courtroom of the said town, during its session of Nine April Two Thousand and Thirteen, before Mr Mama DIARRA: Adviser at the Bamako Court of Appeal; PRESIDENT Mr Sidi KElTA: (Advisers at the Bamako Court of Appeal) Mr Hamadoun S. SIDIBE: MEMBERS Siaka COULIBALY: ) Alpha Baye SANOGO :) Cheickna DIARRA: ) Adama COULIBALY :) ASSESSORS

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