SUSPECT CAUGHT RED-HANDED Dakar Court of Appeal Public hearing in correctional matters of 29. 11. 2019 High Court of PikineGuediawaye At the ordinary public hearing of the High Court of PikineGuediawaye of November 29, 2019 held in correctional matters by Mr…, President, Mr… and Madam …, sitting judges and members, in the presence of Madam. …, Deputy Public Prosecutor and Maître…, Registrar, was rendered the judgment with following content: No of the judgment: No of the public prosecution: 29.11.19 Public Prosecutor And PC CR Versus …… Counsel Detention warrant dated 18.10.19 Type of the offence Attempt of rape of 13 years old minor, pedophilia and abduction of minor Between: The Public Prosecutor, plaintiff, based on the interrogation statement of a suspect caught red-handed dated 18.10.2019; And .... who did not appear at the public hearing and the claimant for civil damages on behalf of the child; ON THE ONE HAND Versus …. born on 27 March 2000 at Malika of… and of… domiciled at Route de Boune; Suspect of attempt of rape, abduction and pedophilia; Detained on detention warrant of 21.11.2019 and assisted by Me Mbaye…, counsel; ON THE OTHER HAND Summoned at the hearing of 29 November 2019 in accordance with article 384 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the suspect stated that he wanted to be tried immediately and the case was argued; The President read out the written submissions of the prosecutor filed in Court and interrogated the suspect; The public Prosecutor, after his submissions, made an application for 2 years of imprisonment of the suspect; The suspect made his submissions; The Registrar took note of submissions;

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