THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA IN THE HIGH COURT OF UGANDA HOLDEN AT MBALE HCT-04-CR-SC-0074-2013 UGANDA.……………………………………….……………………PROSECUTOR VERSUS A.1 OLOWO KAMALI A.2 OWERE JACOB A.3 ABDALAH YUSUF A.4 OWOR CHARLES ALIAS KULAWAYA ………….……………….ACCUSED BEFORE: THE HON. MR. JUSTICE STEPHEN MUSOTA JUDGMENT A juvenile offender Olowo Kamali together with adult offenders to wit A.2 Owere Jacob, A.3 Abdallah Yusuf and A.4 Owor Charles alias Kulawaya are jointly indicted for aggravated defilement c/s 129 (3) and (4) of the Penal Code Act. Prosecution alleges that the accused persons together with one at large on 28th September 2012 at Nagongera Town Council in Tororo District performed a sexual act with Nyapendi Teddy a girl aged 13 years. All the accused persons denied the indictment. In criminal trials, it is the duty of the prosecution to adduce sufficient evidence to prove the offence against the prisoner beyond any reasonable doubt. This burden rests onto the prosecution throughout the trial. In a bid to execute its duty prosecution called in evidence five witnesses. The accused persons were the only defence witnesses. A.1 and A.2 denied the offence, A.3 and A.4 denied the offence and each pleaded a defence of alibi. To prove the offence of aggravated defilement, prosecution has to prove the following ingredients. 1. That the complainant, in this case Nyapendi Teddy was a girl aged below 14 years at the time of offence.

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